NEWS 2011

The nomenclatural history of Fritillaria eduardii and the correct names of its varieties

Willem A. Wietsma*, Ronald G. van den Berg, Johan van Scheepen & Jan J. Wieringa
Taxon, 60(6): 1754-1759 (2011)
*V.O.F. de Keizerskroon, Harlingerstraatweg 36, 8872 NB, Midlum, The Netherlands

Wietsma et al. 2011


Material of a new fritillary was mentioned in four publications by Eduard Regel in 1884, but he used different names for this material. In the first publication it was named Fritillaria eduardii, but in the following publications the material was described as two varieties of F. imperialis L., both odourless, one with purplish flowers and one with yellow or yellow-red flowers. Both colour varieties, but especially the latter, have been taken into cultivation. Morphological observations and crossing experiments have established that both varieties do not belong to F. imperialis and should be accommodated in F. eduardii. New names for these varieties are proposed, following E. Regel’s intention as closely as possible.

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